Thursday, February 5, 2009

superpower choice

If i could choose a superpower to have i would choose to have the ability to teleport. The reason i would choose this type of quality is because i love to travel. If i had teleporting ability's i could travel to any part of the world in a blink of an eye. I could be eating cheese and wine on a train in the country of paris to eating sushi in the culteral country of japan in the same day. Teleportation is also the best superpower because if you are running late for an event or stuck in a traffic jam of sometime you can be to the place you need to be in an instant. Powers such as invisibility and laser shot are useless compared to my choice. Why would i want to kill someone or spy on someone? thats just a bit to ominous for my liking. In conclusion, the best superpower for me would be teleporting because of my love for travel and my lack of being punctual.

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